September 1, 2024

And Just Like That

Last day did not come to play! We're finishing the 2024 season as strong as can be with some really fantastic people and great memories. Let's get into what we got up to today.

This morning we woke up to Christmas morning in September down in the main cabin. Some people say pumpkin spice vibes are allowed starting 9/1, but we took it one step further. Once we were wide awake, a crew of us made our way to biplanes to take to the skies with the birds. What a day for a plane ride 'round the island. Others of us went into Edgartown for some shopping and walking around the iconic town. And some of us stayed back at camp for a chill morning of games and (if your name is Morty) some fun doing tasks around camp.

Then we came back together to a nacho lunch and rainy afternoon rest before the hardcore beach-ers of the crew left camp for State Beach to catch some waves and jump some Jaws bridges. Well, just the one Jaws bridge really. Then it was time to come back for showers and cozy hangs. When we were hungry yet again, it was time for make-your-own-pizza night! YUM! If you're lucky and you know it clap your hands, clap clap. After a delish din, we were ready to compete in this year's edition of Family Olympics!!!! This evening's events were Name That Song, Hydration Station Flip Cup, toilet paper mummy and trash collection, power lifting technique, and karaoke. And in a shocking turn of mathematical events, all teams won! How do you like that? We're all so incredible that we actually weren't shocked at all.

After all that competing and fully loving every moment of being around each other, we're ready to rest. We'll have one last breakfast as a group tomorrow before heading out on the boat. Just remembering that it's not goodbye, it's see you later. For sure.



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