June 25, 2024

Day Three, Let's Have Some Baked Beeeeeeans

Well we are just having such a jolly good time over here! Today we started the day the same glorious way as always with some brekki and Jabberday Live morning meeting. Then we headed to classes to continue the bright sunny morning. Classes today was a choice of art, origami, or a trip to Ghost Island Farm to pick flowers and potatoes. Flowers and potatoes go together like PB and mustard (not an obvious pairing), but it was the shockingly good combo. It was such a colorful morning. Then we headed to lunch to reunite as a crew and share some deets of the morn.

After lunch, we had a little time to rest and some of us gathered around the wooden swings for a friendship circle to remember our friends and share some sweet memories. Then we got all ready for the beach and made our way to our sandy, sunny spot for some serious boat business and beach lounge time. Once we had a little time to noodle around, food arrived and it was time for burgers and dawgs. It was sooo yummy, nothing like a cookout on the beach with a drumming circle to really make the heart soar. And the cherry on top was some yummy s'mores to top it all off. What could be better?

When we were ready to head back home we drove back for showers and sleeeeep! The days just keep getting better and we don't know how it possibly could. Off to sleep and smell ya tomorrow!



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