August 15, 2024

Fair Day, Fair Play

Thursday is really doing it's thing today because we are feeling Thriving Thursday up the wazoo! When the day starts with breakfast on the beach, how could it not be the best day ever? But we skipped a part and we want you to feel like you were there so let's go back a smidge. So we woke up, got into our bathing suits and immediately hopped on the bus and in the vans to make our way to the beach! It's so cool to head to the beach in the morning because nobody has gotten the memo that it's a great beach day, so we have the spot to ourselves. And good thing, because we got a breakfast spread to spread out far and wide. It was super yummy this morning, eggs and sausage and oatmeal and coffee and cereal and hmm we think that's it. We ate up, hung out on the beach, got in the water and floats, and even had some light saber battles.

Then it was time to go back to camp for showers, a late lunch, and rest. After we were well replenished and rested, we went to the fair!! It was amazing as usual with rides at the ready, live music for the dancing, Jim from the Office to take a quick pic, yummy fair food for dinner, and plenty of animals to say hello to. We were met with some rain, which we took as a sign to make our way back to camp for some hot chocolate and games before snuggling up for bed. Our heads have connected with our pillows, so this thriving Thursday has come to an end. See ya for fun fun Friday!



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