July 25, 2024

Flowers, and Horses, and Baseballs Oh My!

We did sooooo much today, might as well get right to it!

So the day started with a delicious pancake breakfast followed by the first Jabberday Live of Session 3. Then we either made our way to the Misty Meadows to ride horses, went to Ghost Island Farm to pick flowers, or stayed at camp to make some pottery masterpieces. We all regrouped for lunch (as we do) and filled each other in about the morning. After lunch, we got changed into bathing suits and went to the beach. Classic beach day of chats, music, and boat hangs up the wazoo. We can't get enough. With salt on our skin and sand in our toes, we went back to camp for some showers and din din, so that we were ready to leave camp once more for the day and cheer on the Sharks! We might cheer for different MLB teams when we're home, but here we all can agree, the Sharks are our team. Even a little drizzle can't make us leave when we're supporting our faves. But as all baseball fans do, we got tired from cheering so much so we're back at camp and drifting off to dream state. We'll rest up to cheer each other on tomorrow.



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