July 27, 2024

Hakuna Matata Over Here

Saturday Cat-urday over here at Jabberwocky. And when we say cats, we mean lions. And when we say lions, we mean lion kings. And when we say lion kings, we mean Simba. Okay, moving right along.

This morning, breakfast was a classic delicious beginning to our day. After that we went to Jabberday Live and then off to classes. Today was Emily teach day, so Emily B led cookie decorating and Emily C led art where we painted our hands and feet and then walked on a canvas. Some of us also went to the library or into town.

After the morning, we met back up for lunch and then got suits on for the beach. The beach trip was so great that we stayed a little longer just to soak up all the beachy goodness. Then it was time to head back to camp for showers and dinner. It was taco night tonight and it was fantastic. After dinner, some of us went to the Drive-In movie to see The Lion King and others stayed back at camp for game night. Both choices had cozy levels off the charts. Now that we're cozy, we're off to bed.



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