August 7, 2024

Here We Gahr (Go with an Australian accent), Session Four!!

Wow wow wow! Here we are! Today we got to pick up our session 4 besties at the ferry, so the gloomy weather had nothing on us! We chatted all the way back on the ferry and made it back to Vineyard Haven all smiles. After walking up to camp we had a delicious lunch (shoutout to the tuna salad) and got all nested in our cabins. Since it was a little grey and rainy today (not in our souls though), we didn't head to the beach. We got super cozy with some homemade hot chocolate and toppings by the fire. Then some of us went into town for snacks and shopping, others stayed at camp for party decoration making and prep. When it was time for dinner, all of us gathered in the main cabin to celebrate our friend Andrew Wong and his 30th birthday! The dinner was exquisite and the vibes were impeccable. We continued the party over to the studio to seal it off with a dance party. Incredible start to an incredible sesh and we're here for it. Gotta rest up for a first full day of goodness tomorrow!



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