June 30, 2024

I Wanna Dance With Somebody!

Sunday funday! It was a wet one, but we still had a ball and the flowers got their water. After a classic yummy breakfast this morning, a small group made their way to church while the rest of us hung back for Jabberday Live and classes. Today's classes were stretch/meditation and games. A lovely little yin and yang if you will. After classes it was time for lunch so we ate up.

In the afternoon we had some time to rest and relax and optional head into town. Some of us grabbed ice cream while others hung out at Owen Park in the sand, and once the rain decided to start back up again, we cruised back to camp. Once at camp, it was time to get dressed up for the dance, send in our song requests, and let any dates know where they should pick us up. Once we had some din in our bellies, it was time to DANCE! We danced our hearts out, sang our favorite songs, and floated around the studio in our colorful dance outfits. It was an actual Jabberwocky royal ball.

Now we're all danced out and hitting the hay, but always remember that when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, we hope you dance.



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