June 29, 2024

Mid Sesh, Make a Splash

Changeover day is a sea of emotions with saying goodbye to our Week 1 friends and then saying hello to our Week 2 crew. All in one morning! But we're getting ahead of ourselves, let's take it from the top.

This morning we woke up a little earlier than usual to make sure we had a good, hearty breakfast before heading down to the boat. Those of us who are staying for the full first session took a trip to the Flying Horses carousel in OB for a couple rides and some donuty treats. The crew heading over on the boat reunited with their families (maybe some tears were shed...) and we met our week 2 friends all in one fell swoop. We hopped onto the boat and cruised back to camp to meet up with our carousel riders and have lunch all together as one crew.

After lunch we had some time to unpack and rest before making our way to the beach. Obvi we had to make the first day of week 2 a beach day, but then again every day is a beach day. It was a little windy for most of us to go into the water, but some of us braved the not so big waves. Others hung out and collected some seashells. When it was time to go back to camp, we had some time for showers and dinner and then off to the drive in movie! Inconceivable! That's your hint for what movie was on the lineup tonight. Know it? It's Princess Bride! So fun and cozy to be all snuggled together and in the front row no less.

The movie made us the perfect snoozy levels and so we went back to camp for even more snuggles but in our own beds. Alright we're off to sleep tight. See you mañana!



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