August 31, 2024

Saturday Fam Night Live!!

Oh Saturday sun! We're soaking it all up today with a stellar day of stellar activities. So without further ado, the recap.

This morning we ate a delicious pancake breakfast before venturing out on choice morning. Some folks went to the Chilmark Flea Market to shop 'til we dropped, some went to pick gorgeous bouquets at Ghost Island Farm, and others went to Owen Park to take a refreshing dip. Such a sweet morning. Then we regrouped for lunch which was actually tea time! Don't worry, not too much tea was spilled... only the tea that we all love each other obvi. After tea (said in a British accent because why not), we went over to Native Earth Teaching Farm to do some indigo dyeing, goat snuggling, and drum circling. All such good activities rolled up into one fabulous trip. We sure do love the goat farm.

Then we made our way back to camp for some showers, rest and hang time before dinner. If you've been listening, you'll now catch on to the fact that we're eating really well over here at camp and dinner was no different. The kitchen turned into Nat's food truck and we got some exceptional dinner sandwiches served right to us! Banh Mi at camp?? Yes please Bahn me up! Then we had a delish dessert at camp before loading the vans back up to go to our second dessert at Back Door Donuts!! We couldn't resist. We ordered our donuts, ate them as one happy family smack dab in the middle of OB, and took our full bellies over for a ride on the Flying Horses. Nothing like a classic OB night. Now we're back at camp and tired out from a fabulous day, so we're signing off until tomorrow's fabulous day begins. Sending everyone Saturday love. Pass it along.



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