July 24, 2024

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Wow wow wow we're off to the races with Session 3 already! Let's get into it.

We met our session three crew over in Woods Hole, said our family goodbyes, and set sail for Martha's Vineyard. Once we docked in Vineyard Haven we let it be known with dances, cheers, and our favorite songs. It's important to keep downtown Vineyard Haven as blessed with by our vibes as possible. We paraded to camp for the first lunch of the sesh, which today was quesadillas. Yum in our tum!

After lunch we rested and unpacked a bit and then made our way to the beach for the first beach trip of the sesh. The firsts just keep on flying in. Because today was a bit cloudy, it made it an awesome beach day since no one else was in our lovely spot! Some of us got in the water which was quite warm, and others hung out on the beach doing art, catching up, or resting after the travel day.

When it was time to go back to camp, we ventured on back for spaghetti and meatballs, then ice cream sundae bar! Gotta have the first dinner back be a full blown extravaganza of course. Then it was time for showers, PJ party hangs, and bed. We're off to have our first camp snuggles and dreams of the summer, so that we can be all refreshed tomorrow for the first full day of the session! Okay, we'll stop saying first now. Love you most.



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