August 30, 2024

Well Well Well What Goodness Do We Have Here?

Hello there, we're back! And what a lovely crew to be back with, our lovely Labor Day Family Camp family. Today was a bit of a half day for most, but a day half full sorta day at that! We all met in Woods Hole to take an afternoon ferry back to Vineyard Haven. The ferry-goers definitely could tell we've missed each other by the way we couldn't stop hugging and smiling. When we made it back to VH, we grabbed our luggage and ventured over to camp. Nose tickles were done (I almost wrote toes nickles and wanted to be transparent about that and tell you for the giggles) and we got all cozy in our cabins and chatty with our friends. Then it was time for the catchup circle, so that we could all hear about the events and life updates that happened this past year for our fellow fams.

After we were all caught up, we had a delish lasagna dinner followed by a tiramisu we'd pay goooood money to have constantly within reach. With full bellies, we decided to fill our hearts too and made a fire, played lots of good music, puzzled, and gamed away. Nothing better than a post travel cozy night in with the fam friends. And don't worry, Morty made sure to take out the trash.

We're ready for our first full day of the weekend tomorrow so meet us back here to see what we got up to! We're no fortune teller, but we have a gut feeling it's gonna be an epic day.



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